About us
The Testing Authority "Stationary optical Uplift
Measurement" is an independent division of IFB Institute of Railway
Technology in the Dresden office and deals with the measurement
of uplift under the licensing of vehicles and overhead
The IFB was founded as a privately held company in 1984 in Berlin.
A second branch was opened in 1991 in Dresden.
It is constructed in an interdisciplinary service providers with
expertise in the application-related consulting, development,
planning and research for railway systems. The IFB is a recognized
expert GmbH Organization of the Federal Railway Authority (EBA)
with experts for electrical equipment and vehicles of the railways,
"Magnetic levitation and linear drive systems" and "magnetic
levitation train Transrapid technology type."
The IFB GmbH operates with about 50 employees at its locations in
Berlin and Dresden. The Berlin office is also the seat of the
management. Experts from the fields of electrical and
communications engineering, computer science, automotive
engineering, industrial engineering and traffic law are powerful,
task-oriented groups for project work.